
Content Disclaimer

This website provides information about beaches, things to do near a beach and other generic information required for a user. However, the information is gathered from various authentic sources and still the owner is not responsible for any mismatch found. Those glitch needs to be rechecked by the visitors to ensure authenticity of the data.

Link Disclaimer

There might be links provided to third party sites like hotels, resorts or restaurants near a beach, however, the website will not be held responsible for mismatch in information or URL not working for third party sites. It is provided to help users and we do not guarantee content provided on their sites. Neither, we provided links for money or provide paid links; we only provide links which we think will help our visitors. The website will not be liable for any damage caused to our visitors using those third party sites. However, in case there is any issue, we request you to notify us, so we can remove them.

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