lopes mendes beach
isla grande is an island off the coast of state rio de janerio, brasil. A bit difficult to access but it’s worth it, after you reach the peaceful and calm lopes mendes beach. Far away from the huzzy buzzy city life. Take a bus from Rio to Angra dos Reis then a ferry to Ilha Grande. A 40-minute boat ride and you are at the island’s only town, Abraão. From there take a small taxi-boat to Lopes Mendes and there you are!!
lopes mendes of brazil has got the whitest and finest sand stretching out to the crystal clear ocean. It’s a wonderful wide secluded beach going for miles. Not too crowded, free from disturbance this is the perfect place to enjoy the nature quietly and calmly. The sand makes wonderful noise beneath your toes and you know you are in paradise. There you will find people resting in the shade, surfing, doing yoga on the beach or just going out for a swim.
The island is very popular among the tourist for its well preserved beaches, rugged landscape and vegetation. The long beach bordered by jungle with hills gives a picturesque view. Hours of walk and little will you realize how the time passed by. You should definitely bring your own refreshments, as it is far away from the land there are no permanent restaurants and very few vendors selling drinks from stalls. ilha grande tours and travel companies are now offering sight-seeing trips to ilha grande’s various beaches, mountains trails and waterfalls. This beach is one of the best beaches not just in brazil but in the world.