Fernando de Noronha beach
If you visit this place, it will be like a dream come true. It’s definitely one of the places to visit in brazil. A paradise for hiking, touring to snorkeling and diving. You can rent a car, a buggy or a motorbike but usually tourists prefer coming by bus. fernando de noronha beach is an archipelago, which means a large group of islands or a chain of islands. In the Atlantic ocean, fernando de noronh is a chain of 21 islands at some distance from the Brazilian coast. The crystalline island waters have good visibility and a very rich marine life. The colorful fish, corals, dolphins and turtles makes it a favorite among the snorkeling lovers. The sunset here is worth watching. Beaches like Cacimba do Padre, Boldr and Bode are considered one of the best beaches by the surfers from around the world.
In the whole country Brazil’s ‘Beach Bible’ has awarded five stars to only four beaches, out of which three of them are here. fernando de noronha beach are breathtaking and addictive. The northeast coast of Brazil was declared a marine national park in 1988 and the government allows 420 visitors at a time. The Sancho Bay and the Pig Bay are neighboring bays that are considered one the best beaches in brazil. Visitors get to explore countless activities and get lots of tour options. As it is in the offshore, prices here are high due to the transportation from the mainland. While few travelers prefer to spent time in the lively city, for many this place makes an awesome brazil weekend destination.