Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve Park
A great place for water-sports, Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve Park is another amazing place for a nice snorkelling. Hanauma Bay Nature Preserve Park snorkeling is extremely famous and tourists specially plan the visit their for the experience it gives. There is a rich aqualife density close to the shore and the tourists get a great experience seeing a lot of fishes, turtles and other diverse water-life from close. It would be wise to consider going in the early hours as the beach gets crowded as the day rises. There is transportation available, and one can use the shuttle-service for being up and down. The photographers would find it an enchanting place from the hill-top as the entire view of the bay is magnificent.
There are mask-rentals, lockers to change, rented cameras for underwater photography, and showers easily available. Snorkelling, while taking photographs and getting kids to enjoy the waters is an amazing thing to do with this beach. There is parking space, which could be occupied easily in early hours and ideally gets packed towards the mid of the day. The beach is full of beautiful corals and photography is a great joy here. One thing to remember is that, Hanauma Bay Nature reserve Park, Hawaii is open in different timings in different seasons and it is advisable to check the timings of the preserve being open first. The entry to the preserve is chargeable and it requires a varying fee to be paid, while the entry of children is free. There are some shops to buy the essentials, but they are priced well, so one can consider packing own stuff. With swimming, snorkelling, sightseeing and coral-views, Hanauma Bay, Hawaii gives a complete feeling of a perfect sea-adventure.