La Playita beach
Beaches are a wonderful place to relax and get relief from all our mental and physical stress. Las Galeras is a place where you can enjoy seeing all beautiful beaches. From Mallibu in the north to Redondo in the South, there’s a beach in LA for everyone. Many of them are part of a unique community and each has its own feel. The beaches have public facilities such as bathrooms and cafes. La Playita beach, is also called little beach, it’s available in a walk able distance Las Galeras beach. Here you can find a fresh fish, there are restaurants which offer a variety of seafood and also there is a full bar.
La Playita beach is a very small beach with few people , but it is really a beautiful one. The safe pool-like environment makes it a great spot for kids to have their first go at donning mask and fins. Just to the south of the Manhattan Beach is a Hermosa Beach, a charming little beach city with a plaza featuring eateries and boutiques. In December, crowds gather for an annual snowman sand sculpture contest. Many of the contestants come back year after year, and their works are true manual. Las Galeras, sitting at the very edge of the peninsula, is a quaint beach town with little in terms of nightlife or restaurants, but it is ideal for nature lovers and those seeking to get far, far away. Las Galeras is an excellent jumping off point for some of the most breathtaking beaches that Samana beach– and the island – has to offer, including Playa Rincon, Playa Fronton and Playa Madame.