Kendwa Beach
For those who do not know about Kendwa beach and Kendwa village, the location of it is around 4 km from Nungwi. During a low tide time it is easy to walk from Nungwi to Kendwa but during a high tide time you would have to rely on boat trips as the beaches would be flooded. Kendwa is well known for its quick rain showers, sunny weather during the summer and also Kendwa sunset is one of the popular tourism activity here. Some of the interesting facts about Kendwa are
- There are a number of hotels and restaurants that provide you with some of the finest and fresh sea foods and local cuisines. TajMahal hotel near Kendwa offers one full fresh and hot grilled piece of red snapper for a an attractive price. The restaurants also offers some of the best and excellent Prawn pilipili and lobster thermidos.
- Snorkelling trips are a regular scene and event in Kendwa beach and are provided as a round trip from Zanzibar to Mnemba Island.
- Kendwa rocks are another important and another attraction of Kendwa and they organise all night fun and dance party on full moon nights. You can take part in the party by buying a membership card and the bartenders also provide free beverages if you are strong enough to pull an all nighter.
- The beach is also equipped with high speed Wi-Fi for the tourists. In the southern part of the beach it is empty and gorgeous and is the perfect place for you to watch a perfect Kendwa sunset.