Arena Blanca
One of the best Equatorial Guinea beaches located at Bioko Island, connecting with Malabo, it is also known as arena de playa by locals. Providing the travelers with the opportunity to visit beaches and spend their time enjoying and playing on the sea shore. Although Malabo does not offer unique places for the travelers but arena blanca equatorial guinea delivers the best entertainment value to the travelers. The main features of this beach is that it is covered with white sand, one of its kind on Bioko Island and for the travelers coming from Malabo, it is going to take them one hour drive to reach to their favorites beach.
Things to do at Arena Blanca
At Arena Blanca equatorial guinea there are several activities to enjoy and have fun over, for examples, tourists are going to find out many different sporting activities available here along with enjoying the pleasant ambiance offered by nature. A lot of people searching for the best places to visit at Equatorial Guinea beaches will find out very different environment to enjoy with their loving partner a walk in the dry season during their honey moon holiday season. There are number of activities to be carried out here at arena de playa to enjoy from such chasing the beautiful butter flies covering the whole beach area, along with swimming activities which different travelers would love to enjoy from the dazzling water. Even families taking our time to have themselves accompanies by their children love to travel here and enjoy their best time along with their families.
Places to see
There are other places to visit here at Equatorial Guinea beaches, like Beta which includes lots of restaurants, hotels, bars and market for the tourists to enjoy their tours. It is small town located in the region of Rio Muni. A lot of tourists would also love to see monkey’s around here for them the best places to visit here would be Moca, Lake Loretta and Lake Biao.