Mabul Island-Macro Diving Paradise
Mabul is an island in Sabah Malaysia famous for its muck diving and beautiful stretch of palm trees. The name “Macro Diving Paradise” is allotted to this place due to its great diving spots, which attract thousands of divers from all around the globe every year.
From Semprona, you can take a boat that will bring you to the coastline of this Mabul Island Sabah within 30 minutes. If the boat is a slow ferry, then it might take 1.5 Hours to get you to your destination.
If you are looking for an overnight trip, then this Mabul island Malaysia(macro diving paradise) have multiple luxurious resorts with many features and great comfort. One day trips are also organized by local dive operators, that will take you on a journey of this magical ocean.
From large pelagic species to small macro organisms, there is a wide variety of sea life available here in rare form. Scorpion fish, crocodile fish and nudi branches are some of the examples of incredible things, you can see on your dive into its water.
There are many Mabul island package in which you can enjoy snorkeling and can watch some magnificent sites like “Lobster Wall” around the paradise reef.
The beaches in Malaysia are your ideal destination for spending your precious vacation, if you are a fan of rare sea creatures and their beauty. Book your resort via online booking and reserve a place in the arms of this isolated island and its picturesque exquisiteness.